When was the last time you ever checked your smile for oral cancer? If it’s been while you are not alone. By neglecting your oral health checkups, you could be bypassing warning signs of oral cancer. That is why having a checkup at Cloverleaf Dental Center in Meriden, Connecticut, is essential to your oral health care. Oral cancer can appear... read more »
Dr. Sheila Poetti and our dental team care about you and your smile, which is why we encourage you to clean your teeth and gums regularly with a functional and clean toothbrush. Unfortunately, your toothbrush harbors many germs, so maintaining a healthy brush might be tricky. However, with our help, it's definitely possible. Tip No. 1: Wash your hands before... read more »
Nothing is more distracting when you feel a small chip in one of your teeth. To fix that tooth, recontouring is a simple, speedy procedure to reshape your tooth. Cloverleaf Dental Center wants to help you fix any minor blemishes so you can have the best dental care. It can be difficult to determine which option is best for you... read more »
As the years go by, there are several things that can alter your smile’s appearance. This could come in the form of dental staining, minor dental fractures, tooth decay, or old fillings that no longer match the surrounding tooth enamel. Many people living in the Meriden, Connecticut area dealing with an unappealing smile, will contact Cloverleaf Dental Center’s to explore... read more »
Save teeth from the extraction block with dental crowns. Due to the material used in the making of dental crowns, they can be tailored based on looks, shape, size, and even color. Not only will dental crowns make your smile look better, they can even protect broken teeth from future harm. Here are just a few of the benefits that... read more »
Preventing oral health failure as you age begins with always take the proper steps to ensure your teeth have the maximum chance to flourish. This includes removing any bad habits from your everyday life including smoking, drinking, and using drugs. Not only can they destroy your teeth and gums, but many bad habits can destroy your overall health as well.... read more »
If you are someone who has stained or discolored teeth that you are looking to brighten through a whitening treatment in Meriden, Connecticut, you are one of many people who are looking to have whiter teeth! Each year, whitening products make over $1.4 billion in America, and this is before factoring in the costs of professional treatments. The best way... read more »
The plethora of options for tooth restorations at our dentist office is a wonderful luxury to have. With services such as crowns and veneers, the ideal smile you desire can be yours. If your teeth have any damage that needs to protected, a dental crown may be a better option. If you are simply looking to upgrade the look of... read more »
Here at Cloverleaf Dental Center, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles.... read more »