As the years go by, there are several things that can alter your smile’s appearance. This could come in the form of dental staining, minor dental fractures, tooth decay, or old fillings that no longer match the surrounding tooth enamel. Many people living in the Meriden, Connecticut area dealing with an unappealing smile, will contact Cloverleaf Dental Center’s to explore their cosmetic dentistry options.
Our highly-experienced team can help define the underlying issues affecting your teeth, and present you with a range of options, needed to meet your personal goals.
A simple case of dental staining can typically be improved by having our dentists administer a dental bleaching treatment. You can then maintain your brightened smile by using whitening toothpaste or whitening strips. It might also be wise to limit your consumption of dark foods and beverages.
A smile that is affected by multiple cosmetic imperfections, such as chips, stains, mismatched fillings, or general discoloration in tooth enamel, might benefit from dental veneers. These are custom-made porcelain shells created in a dental lab to fit over the faces of the teeth in your smile. Once they have been cemented in place, they will look like gleaming white tooth enamel. Going forward, the dental-grade porcelain will not be as receptive to stains as natural tooth enamel. This will help you enjoy an easy to maintain smile for many years to come.
In the case of a single tooth that has a pre-existing filling or otherwise compromised tooth enamel, we might recommend restoring the tooth with a porcelain crown. This can be performed in conjunction with a dental bleaching treatment to match all your teeth for a bright, white smile.
If you live in the Meriden, Connecticut area and you would like to explore your options for a more appealing smile, please call 203-634-8727 to schedule a consultation at Cloverleaf Dental Center. Dr. Sheila Poetti, Dr. Avinash Bidra, Dr. Sana Tariq, and Dr. Ayesha Ali look forward to helping you with all of your smile care needs!