Should You Go with a Dental Crown or a Dental Veneer for Your Tooth Restoration?

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The plethora of options for tooth restorations at our dentist office is a wonderful luxury to have. With services such as crowns and veneers, the ideal smile you desire can be yours. If your teeth have any damage that needs to protected, a dental crown may be a better option. If you are simply looking to upgrade the look of a tooth, veneers may be the better choice. Here are some of the benefits of each:

What are the benefits of dental crowns?
– Dental crowns can protect and prevent further damage from occurring to teeth.
– Dental crowns can be colored and shaded to match the look of your natural teeth.
– Dental crowns completely encapsulate a tooth down to the gum line for stability, durability, and protection.
– Dental crowns can be used to protect previous services including root canals, fillings, and implants.

What are the benefits of dental veneers?
– Dental crowns can be colored and shaded to match the look of your natural teeth.
– Veneers completely conceal the fronts of teeth only.
– Veneers are thin and durable and require less tooth enamel to be taken off for bonding the treatments to teeth than crowns.
– Veneers are mainly for aesthetics only.

If you would like to set up an appointment to discuss your dental crowns and veneers with Dr. Sheila Poetti and our team at Cloverleaf Dental Center, please call 203-634-8727 to visit our dentist office in Meriden, Connecticut. Get the smile you’ve always dreamed of with dentures.